To help build a more personal Twitter experience for you, we collect and occasionally update the list of apps installed on your mobile device so we can deliver customized content that you might be interested in. If you’re not interested in a tailored experience you can adjust your preferences at any time (read below). Additionally, if you have previously opted out of interest-based ads by turning on “Limit Ad Tracking” on your iOS device or by adjusting your Android device settings to “Opt out of interest-based ads,” we will not collect your apps unless you adjust your device settings.
What data does Twitter collect?
We only collect the list of applications you have installed. We are not collecting any data within the applications. We’ve designed app graph to exclude apps that appear to be especially sensitive, such as ones dealing with your health, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs.
How does Twitter use this information?
Twitter uses your app graph to help build a more customized experience for you on Twitter. Some examples of how we may use your graph data include:
- Improved “who to follow” suggestions that share similar interests.
- Adding Tweets, accounts, or other content to your timeline that we think you’ll find especially interesting.
- Showing you more relevant promoted content.
How will I know this feature is turned on for my account?
We will notify you about this feature being turned on for your account by showing a prompt letting you know that to help tailor your experience, Twitter uses the apps on your device. Until you see this prompt, this setting is turned off and we are not collecting a list of your apps. If you do not see Tailor Twitter based on my apps in your account settings, app graph collection is not active for your account.
How do I turn this feature off and remove my data from Twitter?
You can easily adjust the setting that allows Twitter to collect a list of apps on your mobile device. Once you turn off the setting, we will remove your app graph data from Twitter and stop future collection.
Updating your settings on Android:
- Tap the overflow icon
- Tap Settings.
- Tap the account you’d like to adjust.
- Under Other, you can adjust the setting to Tailor Twitter based on my apps.
Updating your settings on iOS:
- From the Me tab, tap the gear icon
- Tap Settings.
- Tap the account you’d like to adjust.
- Under Privacy, you can adjust the setting to Tailor Twitter based on my apps.
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