We’re sorry to hear you’re having trouble logging in. If you’re seeing an error saying your password’s incorrect and you’re sure you’re entering the right password:
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I’m seeing an “Incorrect Password” error message when I try to log in.
I think my account was hacked or someone is using it without my permission.
We want to help you keep your account secure. If you think your account was taken over by someone else, we can help you secure it. This process can also help if your account or computer has been affected by a virus or malware.
You can also review these tools and tips to …
I used someone else’s email address to sign up for Facebook.
If you signed up for a Facebook account using someone else’s email address:
I can’t reset my password because I can’t access the email address listed on my account.
You may be able to get back into your Facebook account by answering a security question, using an alternate email address listed on your account or getting help from friends. Keep in mind that you’ll only see these options if you set them up.
To see if you have these options:
How do I log out of Facebook?
To log out of Facebook:
I signed up with my mobile number and now I can’t log in.
If you’re having trouble logging in, make sure you enter your entire phone number, including the country code. Leave out any extra zeros, + signs or other special characters.
If you still can’t log in or if you forgot your password, get help.
Note: If you signed up for Facebook from your …
I deactivated my account. How do I reactivate it?
If you’ve deactivated your account, you can reactivate it at any time just by logging in. If you can’t remember your password, you can request a new password. Learn more about how to reactivate your account if you can’t access the email address you listed on it.
How do I add or remove an email address from my account?
You can log into Facebook using any of the email addresses listed on your account. To add or remove an email address from your account:
I can’t log in.
If you’re having trouble logging into your Facebook account here are a few things to try first:
- Don’t know your password? Learn how to reset it.
- Review the known login issues for troubleshooting tips and more information about specific login issues.
- Forgot your …
What’s the difference between logging in and signing up?
Sign Up
If you don’t have a Facebook account, you can sign up for one in a few steps. To sign up for a new account, enter your name and email address or phone number into the form on www.facebook.com. Then, pick a password, enter your birthday and gender, and click Sign Up.