I can’t log in – Twitter

Click below to have a reset link emailed to you, or scroll down for troubleshooting instructions.

I cannot remember the username I used.

  • Use your account email address and password to log in.
    • If your password is not working, request a new password by entering your email address in our reset form.
    • If our system cannot find your email address, you may be entering the wrong one. Keep reading.

I cannot remember the password I used.

  • If you attempt to log in and have forgotten the password on your account, or if you mistype your password while attempting to log in, you may be able to request a login code via email or SMS text message (if you have a verified phone number on your account). Read more about how to log in if you’ve forgotten your password here.

I cannot remember the email address I used on my account.

  • Use your account’s username and password to log in.
    • If that does not work, visit our password request form and enter the username or email addresses or mobile phone number you think you used. Then, check all your email inboxes – we will send password reset instructions to the account’s email address.

I cannot remember the phone number I used on my account.

  • If you are prompted to enter a mobile phone number when requesting a password reset, and cannot remember what phone number you used, enter your username or account email address.

I think my account has been hacked!

  • See our hacked’ help page for next steps, including a quick way to contact us for assistance.

I have lost access to the email address I used when I signed up.

  1. Try to log in to your Twitter account using just your username and password. As soon as you are logged in, be sure to update your email address in your account settings.
  2. If you have added your mobile number to your account, you can receive an SMS (text message) password reset code. 
  3. If you have forgotten your password and have lost access to your account email, and you do not have a mobile number associated with your account, we are unable to help you regain access to that Twitter account. Contact your email provider for help.

I requested a new password reset, but it has not arrived in my email inbox.

  1. Be sure to check your junk or spam filters on your email inbox. Many small domains filter our emails. Search for any emails from Twitter.
  2. Enter your email address when requesting a password reset. This will ensure you know which email we are sending to, and are checking the right inbox.
  3. If you are requesting a password reset to the correct email address but it is not arriving, file a support ticket here.

I am receiving the password reset emails but I still cannot log in!

  1. Try again – the links in those emails are time-sensitive. Be sure you have not copied and pasted any extra spaces if you copy the link into your browser’s URL bar.
  2. Try logging in from a different browser (we suggest Firefox, which can be downloaded for free) or another computer.
  3. Make sure your browser accepts cookies. Before saving your new password, you should also try clearing your browser’s cache.
  4. Still not working? File a support ticket here.

I try to log in and I get a “Locked out!” error message.

  • Those locks will clear on their own after an hour or so. Do not request more password resets while you wait.

I just made a new account, but have not been able to log in yet.

  • Make sure your signup was successful. Check your email inbox for the confirmation we send you when you successfully signed up for an account.

For more information on Multi Channel Network’s and Twitter Help please check back weekly or subscribe here.

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