You can find and invite friends, view photos you’ve liked, log out of an account and adjust all of your sharing, saving, privacy and push notification settings from the Settings tab on your profile. You can also adjust additional Instagram settings in your phone’s Settings.
When does Instagram send push notifications to my device?
We currently send push notifications when:
Someone likes or comments on one of your photos or videos
Someone mentions you in a comment
Your photo or video makes the Popular page
You can adjust your push notifications from your account settings.
How do I turn push notifications on or off?
You can choose to get push notifications when someone likes or comments on your post. If you have notifications turned on, you can also choose accounts that you want to receive notifications about. To turn push notifications on or off:
- Go to your profile
- Tap
(Android) or
(iOS) in the top-right corner > Push Notification Settings
- Adjust your settings
To receive notifications about specific accounts that you follow, go to their profile, tap (Android) or
(iOS) > Turn on Post Notifications.
Note: If you turned on post notifications for an account but aren’t receiving push notifications when that account posts, you may need to change your phone’s push notification settings.
Photo Saving
Keep in mind that at this time you can only save your own photos to your phone; you can’t save other people’s photos.
How do I save Instagram photos to my phone?
You can save photos you’ve filtered and edited on Instagram to your phone. To save your photos to your phone:
- Go to your profile
- Tap
on iPhone or
on Android
- Slide the Save Original Photos setting to on
When you have Save Original Photos on, every time you post a photo on Instagram, it will also be saved to a photo album on your phone.
Note: People using Instagram on Android may see a delay in photos appearing in their phone’s Instagram photo album.
How do I save high-resolution versions of my filtered photos?
High-resolution versions of your Instagram photos are saved to your phone after you upload the photo to Instagram, and you’re the only one who has access to them. You have to turn on the Save Original Photos setting in your Account Settings to make sure filtered photos save to your phone.
We’ll always save images in the highest resolution size possible. The maximum resolution on both Android and iOS is 2048×2048, but your phone’s resolution capabilities may be lower than that.
Image resolution capabilities are different for each phone.
Apple iOS
Photo resolution taken with the Instagram camera (not the iPhone Camera app) and saved to your phone are:
2048×2048 on the iPhone 4s and up
1936×1936 on the iPhone 4
1536×1536 on the iPhone 3GS
Keep in mind that photos imported from iOS (not taken with the Instagram camera) and then uploaded to Instagram may save at a much lower resolution.