Using the CMS Uploader

YouTube CMS Uploader

The YouTube CMS Uploader will no longer be supported as of mid-2015. We recommend delivering metadata using spreadsheet templates rather than CMS Uploader.

The YouTube CMS Uploader is a downloadable application that lets you quickly upload assets from your desktop to YouTube Content Manager (CMS). It provides a graphical user interface that enables you to drag and drop the files you want to upload from your computer desktop.

If you’re uploading a modest number of sound recordings, the CMS Desktop Uploader has an interactive wizard to walk you through the asset information settings. You can identify the regions in which you own the recordings, specify which publishing rights you control, and apply usage and match policies that you’ve saved in YouTube Content Manager.

If you’re uploading other types of content, or numerous sound recordings, you upload a file, in CSV or XML format, that specifies the metadata for your content.

Once you’ve installed the CMS Uploader, the upload process has just a few steps:

    1. Select the files that you want to upload, or drag them from your desktop into the application.
    2. Specify ownership territories, publishing rights, policy settings and metadata for the content that you’re uploading, using either the interactive editor or a metadata file.
    3. Click a btn to upload the files and the metadata to YouTube.
You must control the same publishing rights for all of the compositions included in any single upload. If you have different publishing rights for the compositions in some of your sound recordings, you will need to upload those recordings separately.

Upload content with the YouTube CMS Uploader

The YouTube CMS Uploader will no longer be supported as of mid-2015. We recommend delivering metadata using spreadsheet templates rather than CMS Uploader.
You must either (a) own the copyright to all of the sound recordings that you upload or (b) have expressed permission from the copyright owner(s) to upload those sound recordings.

To upload files using the CMS Uploader:

  1. Sign in to the CMS Desktop Uploader.The first time you launch the application, you need to accept the license agreement.
  2. Select the files to upload.You can add files to the file list in four ways:
    • Drag a file from your computer and drop it in the file list.
    • Drag a folder from your computer and drop it in the file list to add all files in that folder.
    • Click Add files and select the files you want to upload.
    • Click Add directory and select the folders whose files you want to add.

    To remove a file from the list, select the checkbox next to the file and click Remove files.

  3. Specify the metadata for your content.If you’re uploading sound recordings, you can use the interactive wizard to enter the metadata. Otherwise, add a metadata file (in CSV or XML format) to the list of files to upload.
  4. Click Start upload.

The video below demonstrates the different methods of selecting files to upload:

YouTube CMS Uploader – Adding files to upload
This video shows four different ways to select sound recordings that you want to upload using the YouTube CMS Uploader.

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