
Branding watermark

The Branding watermark enables you to embed your channel logo across all of the videos on your channel. This feature was previously available as part of “InVideo Programming”. To feature a video or playlist, refer to Featured content.

Since March 2015 the watermark is displayed in the bottom right corner of the player, so a video can have both a watermark and cards.

To enable the Branding watermark, follow these steps:

  1. Go to My Channel
  2. Click the pencil icon on the right side of your Channel just below your banner and select Channel settings
  3. From left bar under Channel settings, click on Branding.

To feature your channel branding across all of your videos, click on Add a watermark. You will be able to include a channel branding element that will appear in all your uploaded videos across devices.

You will be able to upload an image to use as your channel watermark. We recommend that you use a transparent background rather than a solid one and include just one color in the image. Making good use of transparency ensures that the image will be less distracting, especially on small screens (e.g. mobile phones).

On desktop, this channel promotion will allow viewers to directly subscribe to your channel if they hover over the watermark. This option won’t show to users that are already subscribed to your channel.

You can get information about the performance of your Featured content and Branding watermark in the Annotations report in YouTube Analytics.

  • The channel watermark  is currently available in landscape view on Android and iOS but doesn’t work in any other mobile, tablet or TV devices.

  • Channel watermarks do not appear on custom YouTube chromeless players.

Suite of Free Tools

$0.45 USD - $4.00 USD

Note: The accepted formula that Auxiliary Mode Inc. uses to calculate the CPM range is $0.45 USD - $25.00 USD.

The range fluctuates this much because many factors come into play when calculating a CPM. Quality of traffic, source country, niche type of video, price of specific ads, adblock, the actual click rate, watch time and etc.

Cost per thousand (CPM) is a marketing term used to denote the price of 1,000 advertisement impressions on one webpage. If a website publisher charges $2.00CPM, that means an advertiser must pay $2.00 for every 1,000 impressions of its ad. The "M" in CPM represents the Roman numeral for 1,000.

$0.00 - $0.00

Estimated daily earnings

$0.00 - $0.00

Estimated monthly earnings

$0.00 - $0.00

Estimated yearly projection

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