Support KB Category: Logging In

I can’t log in – Twitter

Click below to have a reset link emailed to you, or scroll down for troubleshooting instructions.

Reset my password I cannot remember the username I used.

  • Use your account email address and password to log in.
    • If your password is not working, request a new password by entering your email address in our reset …

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I can’t log in to

Need to reset your password?

  • You can send yourself a password reset email via,, or SMS (if you have your mobile number connected to your account).

If you’re using one of our apps and not to access Twitter, check out out the following troubleshooting articles for our mobile apps.

I can’t log in with Twitter for Windows Phone

General troubleshooting:

Are you seeing an “Unauthorized” error message when trying to sign in?

  • Check to make sure that you are using the official Twitter for Windows Phone app and not a 3rd party app (like HTC Peep).

Are you seeing an “Invalid username and Password” error when you try to sign in?

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Using login verification – Twitter

Login verification is a feature that helps you keep your account more secure. Instead of relying on just a password, login verification introduces a second check to make sure that you and only you can access your Twitter account.

After you enable this feature, you will need both your password and your phone to log …

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Recovering a lost or forgotten password – Twitter

An accurate and up-to-date email address and/or phone number is the best step you can take to ensure you never lose access to your account. Take a moment and make sure the email address and/or phone number you have associated with your account is up to date.

If you’ve forgotten your password, you can still …

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How to reset your password via Twitter for iPhone or iPad

How to send a password reset from your iOS device:

  • If you’re using a mobile device to access Twitter, you can send yourself a password reset via the Twitter app (iOS or Android) or
  • On the welcome page, select Sign in and then Forgot password?
  • Enter the email address or username that you are trying …

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  • How to reset your password via Twitter for Android

    How to send a password reset from your mobile phone

  • If you’re using a mobile device to access Twitter, you can send yourself a password reset via Twitter for Android, Twitter for iPhone, or
  • On the welcome page, select Sign in and then Forgot password?
  • Enter the email address or username that you are …

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