Support KB Category: Logging In

Why do I see an ad in my homepage about increasing my account protection? Is this really from Facebook?

Yes. This ad is from Facebook. We want to make sure you don’t get locked out of your account so we’ve put together a tool to help you check the security of your account and update your info.

We recommend that you add other contact info to your account (ex: another email address …

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How can I make sure I don’t lose access to my account?

If there ever comes a time where you can’t log into your Facebook account, we need ways to get in touch with you and make sure the account is yours. Here are some things you can do to help make sure you never get locked out of your account:

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I’m seeing an “Invalid Code” or an “Invalid Link” error message when I tried to reset my password.

If you’re seeing one of these error messages when you try to reset your password:

  • Invalid Code: Be sure to copy and paste the full code from the email you received into the space provided
  • Invalid Link: Try copying the full link from the password …

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I’m seeing an “Incorrect Password” error message when I try to log in.

We’re sorry to hear you’re having trouble logging in. If you’re seeing an error saying your password’s incorrect and you’re sure you’re entering the right password:

  • Make sure that your caps lock key is turned off and try again
  • Reset your password
  • Try upgrading your browser and resetting your password again
  • Try using a …

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  • I think my account was hacked or someone is using it without my permission.

    We want to help you keep your account secure. If you think your account was taken over by someone else, we can help you secure it. This process can also help if your account or computer has been affected by a virus or malware.

    You can also review these tools and tips to …

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    I used someone else’s email address to sign up for Facebook.

    If you signed up for a Facebook account using someone else’s email address:

  • Make sure you have a secure email address that only you can access
  • Log into your Facebook account
  • Add your email address to your account
  • I can’t reset my password because I can’t access the email address listed on my account.

    You may be able to get back into your Facebook account by answering a security question, using an alternate email address listed on your account or getting help from friends. Keep in mind that you’ll only see these options if you set them up.

    To see if you have these options:

  • Go to …

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  • I deactivated my account. How do I reactivate it?

    If you’ve deactivated your account, you can reactivate it at any time just by logging in. If you can’t remember your password, you can request a new password. Learn more about how to reactivate your account if you can’t access the email address you listed on it.

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    $0.45 USD - $4.00 USD

    Note: The accepted formula that Auxiliary Mode Inc. uses to calculate the CPM range is $0.45 USD - $25.00 USD.

    The range fluctuates this much because many factors come into play when calculating a CPM. Quality of traffic, source country, niche type of video, price of specific ads, adblock, the actual click rate, watch time and etc.

    Cost per thousand (CPM) is a marketing term used to denote the price of 1,000 advertisement impressions on one webpage. If a website publisher charges $2.00CPM, that means an advertiser must pay $2.00 for every 1,000 impressions of its ad. The "M" in CPM represents the Roman numeral for 1,000.

    $0.00 - $0.00

    Estimated daily earnings

    $0.00 - $0.00

    Estimated monthly earnings

    $0.00 - $0.00

    Estimated yearly projection

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