How Did I Earn $637 in One Month from Youtube Multi-channel Network (MCN)
This is end of Nov. 2014 and it is the happy news for me and all those who want to get success as entrepreneur because this month, I have earned $637 (Indian Rs. 39646.88) from Youtube multi-channel network. So, now, I am showing, how did I earn $ 637 from my youtube multi-channel network.
I think, you know, I have my official Svtuition youtube channel which I am managing from year 2008 which was started to share accounting video tutorial online. On 20th Sept. 2014, YouTube has given us the power to create multi-channel network. After getting its Content manager dashboard, we started to work on it. I was already some other youtube channel in past. Firstly, I clubbed all my created network in it. Then, I started to created and invited some new youtube channel and after accepted, all are joined in my youtube multi-channel network. Some of them are performing well and I have made small team to operate all these channels with new video contents.
I promoted all these channels through my already created Svtuition youtube channel. Some of my multi-channel network, I have shown in Feature channel of my Svtuition. Following is its screenshot.
With my other specialization, I tried to promote them. Result is the best earning, I have obtained from it. In youtube content manger Analytics, I have made the group of all my multi-channel network. Today, I checked and it has crossed from $637.
Now, simply if I can earn, you can also earn. Still, all youtube channels are my own and some of my friend circle which I am managing everything with my small team. So, now, you should understand, how can you earn from this new way of earning from your present earning.
1st Step : You should Have YouTube Channel with Good Standing
You should have your own youtube channel with good standing. Good standing means, you should not break the rules and regulation of youtube. You should not upload copyrighted materials. So, if you are teacher, accountant, account student or business man, all can create and upload their original videos and create your youtube channel. There are lots of Youtube support and wiki-how how-to tutorials for creating and managing youtube channel. In Svtuition youtube channel, I have created youtube tutorial playlist, it will also teach the basics of youtube.
2nd Step : You Should be a YouTube Partner or as Part of Big YouTube Multi-Channel Network
You should be the youtube partner. For this, you should have some good videos. After this, you have to apply for youtube partnership. If you are not youtube partner, then you can also earn by joining yourself as the part of any big youtube multi-channel network. For example, if you send me your youtube channel and if I will add you in my network, you can also earn money. Still, I am joining only my friend circle. In future, I have planning to make public network for all. So, please wait. There are some warning for joining any youtube network which you should learn ending of this content.
3rd Step : Get Content Manager from YouTube
If you have direct partnership with youtube. You can get content manager directly from youtube. By sending email to its support center. There are lots of factors which youtube will see before giving you content manager. So, you can know better it from youtube help center.
4th Step : Create or Invite New YouTube Channel
Now, after getting content manager, meet more and more youtube channels who are not the partners of youtube. Do written agreement with them. It means if any youtube channel which is earning from advertising what will you and your party of network will earn. Division of profit may be 50:50 or any other
Warning : If you accept the offer of any channel’s invitation for becoming part of their network, your relation will break with youtube. In future, you will not become the partner of youtube. You can get your earning perportion from network owner. For example, if you accepted svtuition youtube channel network. You can get earning only from me. Today, I am good friend of you and I am giving your earned money to you on the time. If tomorrow, I will not pay, you can not earn from youtube. My aim is to say, trust is the base of these network. If you have trust on me or any network, you should join these networks. YouTube has made some rules and regulations, so spend time to study all these rules and regulations before joining any multi-channel network. You should also get more knowledge relating to multi-channel network from Wikipedia.
I think, I shared very useful information to you today, so, please subscribe and share my youtube channel networks. Hope, I will also see your future financial growth.
1. SvTuition YouTube Channel
2. Medical and Surgery Education YouTube Channel
3. Veterinary Surgery Education YouTube Channel
You can also Subscribe other Channels by going to My Features Channels at Here. Read more here
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