Sharing to Twitter

Can I share other people’s photos to my Twitter account?

If you’re using Instagram for iOS, you can share other people’s public photos to Twitter. This feature isn’t available for Android.

To share someone’s Instagram photos to Twitter, first link your accounts.

After you’ve linked your Instagram and Twitter accounts, you can share someone’s public Instagram photos to Twitter:

  1. Tap below their Instagram photo and then tap Tweet.
  2. You can switch between multiple Twitter accounts you’ve authorized, edit the text of the Tweet and add Twitter handles. Typing @ then the start of a username will bring up a search box that shows people you’re following on Twitter.
  3. To share the Tweet, just tap Send.

If someone has set their account to private, you won’t see the option to share their photos to Twitter.

I’m having trouble connecting to Twitter

In most cases where people can’t log into Twitter, there’s a temporary outage on Twitter’s end. Usually these login issues are resolved within a few hours. If the issue has lasted more than a few hours, try relinking your Twitter and Instagram accounts:

Apple iOS 7

To re-enter your Twitter login info:

    1. Leave the Instagram app and open the Settings on your iPhone and then tap Twitter.
    2. Enter your user name and password and then tap Sign In.
    3. Scroll down to “Allow These Apps To Use Your Account,” find Instagram and then make sure the setting is On (it’ll be green).
  1. Open your Instagram app.
  2. From your profile, tap > Share Settings > Twitter. The Twitter icon should be highlighted and your Twitter handle should now appear.

If you’re still having trouble linking your accounts, try uninstalling and reinstalling your Twitter account. When you log in, try linking your Instagram account again using the steps above.

Apple iOS 6

When upgrading to iOS 6, Twitter’s login info is reset and have to be entered again:

  1. Leave the Instagram app and open your phone’s Settings
  2. Tap Twitter
  3. Select the account that you’d like to share photos to
  4. Re-enter your Twitter password
  5. Tap Done

Apple iOS 5 and earlier

To reset your Twitter login info:

  1. Leave the Instagram app and then open your phone’s Settings
  2. Find your Twitter settings
  3. If there are any accounts listed, tap to select them and then tap Delete Account at the bottom of the screen
  4. Tap the account that you’d like to share photos from
  5. Open Instagram, go to your account settings and then tap Edit Share Settings > Twitter to link Twitter to your Instagram account

If you’re still having issues linking your accounts after you’ve waited and verified that your login info is correct, please try checking your Wi-Fi/3G connection, restarting your phone or tablet and then deleting and reinstalling Instagram.

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