Vine users have the option to send Vine messages to email or SMS. When a Vine user sends a VM via either of these methods a link to the VM is shared to the recipient(s). Once the link is clicked and viewed, the link will expire. If you would like to reply to the VM you’ll need to create an account or verify your email address or phone number as described below.
I received a VM to my email inbox. How do I reply?
In order to reply to the VM you will need to verify your email address on your Vine account. If you don’t have a Vine account, you will need to create a Vine account. Once you logged in on the Vine app, enter and confirm your email address in your Vine account’s settings. Confirming your email address on Vine will associate VMs sent to your email address to your Vine account. For more information on how to use VMs, please see the Vine messages FAQ.
I received a VM via SMS. How do I reply?
In order to reply to the VM you will need to verify your phone number on your Vine account. If you don’t have a Vine account, you will need to create a Vine account. Once you logged in on the Vine app, enter and verify your phone number in your Vine account’s settings. Verifying your phone number on Vine will associate VMs sent to your phone number to your Vine account. Please note that replying directly to the SMS will send a text back to the sender’s device. For more information on how to use VMs, please see the Vine messages FAQ.
How do I stop receiving VM emails?
You may unsubscribe from VM emails from Vine by clicking on the unsubscribe at the bottom of the email.