Complete feed samples

Complete feed samples

The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube’s Content Manager to manage their copyrighted content.

The sections below provide samples of complete feeds that upload different types of data. Several of the samples also show the status report you’d receive when YouTube processes the feed.

Create a web video asset and associated YouTube video

This feed creates a web asset. The feed creates a reference file and uploads a custom thumbnail image for the asset. It also creates a YouTube video from the reference content, assigns a YouTube content rating to the video, and claims the video. Finally, the feed sets a match policy that will be applied to user-uploaded videos that match the asset.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
   notification_email="" channel="TestChannel">
  <asset type="web">
    <description>Dave becomes a web celebrity.</description>
    <title>I am on the Internet!</title>

  <!-- define reference files -->
  <file type="video">
  <file type="image">

  <!-- define the video metadata -->
    <artwork type="custom_thumbnail" path="/feed/file[2]" />
    <description>Description of another test video.</description>
    <genre>People & Blogs</genre>
    <title>I am on the Internet</title>

  <content_rating system="youtube">L2 S0 N0 V0 D0</content_rating>
    <item path="/feed/video[1]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/content_rating[1]" />
  <!-- connect all of the video files in the feed to the movie asset -->
    <item path="/feed/asset[1]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/file[1]" />

    <item path="/feed/video[1]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/file[1]" />

  <!-- Worldwide ownership for the asset -->

    <item path="/feed/asset[1]"/>
    <related_item path="/feed/ownership[1]"/>

  <!-- Rights administration rules are the same as ownership -->
  <rights_admin type="usage" owner="True"/>
  <rights_admin type="match" owner="True"/>

  <!-- Claim the video and set a usage policy to a saved policy. -->
  <claim type="audiovisual"
         rights_policy="/external/rights_policy[@name='Monetize in all countries']"/>

  <!-- Set match policy using a saved policy. -->
    <item path="/feed/rights_admin[@type='match']" />
    <item path="/external/rights_policy[@name='Monetize in all countries']" />
    <related_item path="/feed/asset[1]" />

Status report

<Feed version="2">
   <action name="Parse">
   <action name="Process asset">
       <id type="Asset ID">A175587133494830</id>
       <action name="Set metadata">
       <action name="Set rights policy">
               <name>Monetize in all countries</name>
       <action name="Set ownership">
   <action name="Process claim">
       <id type="Video ID">-LcLOAPCLEE</id>
       <action name="Set rights policy">
               <name>Monetize in all countries</name>
       <action name="Claim video">
   <action name="Process file">
       <action name="Submit reference">
           <id type="Reference ID">RkmHyd5xxzI</id>
           <id type="Video ID">-LcLOAPCLEE</id>
           <id type="Asset ID">A175587133494830</id>
       <action name="Submit video">
           <id type="Video ID">-LcLOAPCLEE</id>
   <action name="Process file">
       <action name="Submit image">

This feed creates a movie asset. The feed specifies several reference files for the asset. It also uploads a custom thumbnail image for the movie. In addition, the feed creates and claims a YouTube video from the reference content and also sets a match policy that will be applied to user-uploaded videos that match the asset.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
   notification_email="" channel="TestChannel">
  <!-- Comprehensive movie example: Movie studio delivers references in
       multiple aspect ratios or with differing sound tracks. Includes
       metadata for the single movie asset, reference files, ownership data
       and relationships between the movie and songs on its sound track -->
  <!-- Elsewhere in this feed you could refer to this asset in several ways:
       - "/feed/asset[1]"
       "/feed/asset[title='Wiki Wiki Wiki']"
       "/external/asset[id='Zz9aa8dz9Zz']" -->

  <asset type="movie">
    <actor>Sarah Marshal</actor>
    <content_type>Feature Film</content_type>
    <description>I wear clothes that say Boston</description>
    <director>Will Harper</director>
    <producer>Griffin Harding</producer>
    <producer>John Patterson</producer>
    <title>Boston, my clothes say</title>
    <writer>Jack Boston</writer>

  <!-- define reference files -->
  <file type="video">
  <file type="video">
  <file type="image">

  <!-- connect all of the video files in the feed to the movie asset -->
    <item path="/feed/asset[1]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/file[1]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/file[2]" />

    <item path="/feed/video[1]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/file[filename='']" />

  <!-- define the video metadata -->
    <artwork type="custom_thumbnail" path="/feed/file[3]" />
    <description>Another description of another test video.</description>
    <keyword>keywords, xml testing</keyword>
    <title>Boston, my clothes say</title>

  <!-- The feed provider only owns the video in the United States. -->
  <ownership asset="/feed/asset[1]">
        <condition restriction="include" type="territory">US</condition>

  <!-- rights administration for the movie itself: mirrors ownership -->
  <rights_admin owner="True" type="usage"/>
  <rights_admin owner="True" type="match"/>

  <!-- Claim the video and set a usage policy -->
  <claim type="audiovisual"
         rights_policy="/external/rights_policy[@name='Monetize in all countries']"/>

  <!-- Set administrator's default match policy using a policy saved in CMS -->
    <item path="/feed/rights_admin[@type='match']" />
    <item path="/external/rights_policy[@name='Monetize matches less than 90s']" />
    <related_item path="/feed/asset[1]" />

Status report

<Feed version="2">
   <action name="Parse">
   <action name="Process claim">
       <id type="Video ID">cdyq1YYjitw</id>
       <action name="Set rights policy">
               <name>Monetize in all countries</name>
       <action name="Claim video">
   <action name="Process asset">
       <id type="Asset ID">A531920758782835</id>
       <action name="Set metadata">
       <action name="Set rights policy">
               <name>Monetize matches less than 90s</name>
       <action name="Set ownership">
   <action name="Process file">
       <action name="Submit reference">
           <id type="Reference ID">h2pVkpd-n2g</id>
           <id type="Video ID">cdyq1YYjitw</id>
           <id type="Asset ID">A531920758782835</id>
       <action name="Submit video">
           <id type="Video ID">cdyq1YYjitw</id>
   <action name="Process file">
       <action name="Submit reference">
           <id type="Reference ID">oCfcKHAz_Hc</id>
   <action name="Process file">
       <action name="Submit image">

This feed uploads assets that will appear in YouTube’s Movies category. The feed defines a movie asset and specifies several video reference files for the asset. It also uploads a custom thumbnail image for the movie. In addition, the feed creates and claims a YouTube video from the reference content and also sets a match policy that will be applied to user-uploaded videos that match the asset.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
   notification_email="" channel="TestChannel">
  <!-- Comprehensive movie example: Movie studio delivers references in
       multiple aspect ratios or with differing sound tracks. Includes
       metadata for the single movie asset, reference files, and
       ownership data. -->
  <asset type="movie">
    <actor>Sarah Marshal</actor>
    <content_type>Feature Film</content_type>
    <description>The Wiki is getting larger!</description>
    <director>Will Harper</director>
    <producer>Griffin Harding</producer>
    <producer>John Patterson</producer>
    <rating system="mpaa">PG</rating>
    <title>Wiki Wiki Wiki II</title>
    <writer>Jack Sprat</writer>

  <!-- define reference files -->
  <file type="video">
  <file type="video">
  <file type="video">
  <file type="video">
  <file type="image">

  <!-- connect all of the video files in the feed to the movie asset -->
    <item path="/feed/asset[1]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/file[1]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/file[2]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/file[3]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/file[4]" />

    <item path="/feed/video[1]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/file[filename='']" />

  <!-- define the video metadata -->
    <artwork type="custom_thumbnail" path="/feed/file[5]" />
    <description>A movie sequel about Wikis.</description>
    <title>Wiki Wiki Wiki II</title>

  <!-- ownership for movie asset: Foo in US, Baz everywhere else -->
  <ownership asset="/feed/asset[1]">
    <owner type="partner" name="FooPictures">
        <condition restriction="include" type="territory">US</condition>
    <owner type="partner" name="BazEntertainment">
        <condition restriction="exclude" type="territory">US</condition>

  <!-- rights administration for the movie itself: mirrors ownership -->
  <rights_admin owner="True" type="usage"/>
  <rights_admin owner="True" type="match"/>

  <!-- Claim the video and set a usage policy -->
  <claim type="audiovisual"
         rights_policy="/external/rights_policy[@name='Monetize US CA JP']"/>

  <!-- Set administrator's default match policy using a policy saved in CMS -->
    <item path="/feed/rights_admin[@type='match']" />
    <item path="/external/rights_policy[@name='Monetize everywhere']" />
    <related_item path="/feed/asset[1]" />

This feed creates an episode asset. The feed creates a reference file and uploads a custom thumbnail image for the asset. It also creates a YouTube video from the reference content and claims it. Finally, the feed sets a match policy that will be applied to user-uploaded videos that match the asset.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
   notification_email="" channel="TestChannel">
  <asset type="episode">
    <actor>David Piper</actor>
    <actor>Camille Jones</actor>
    <content_type>Full Episode</content_type>
    <description>Medieval cold treatment was not fun.</description>
    <director>Will Harper</director>
    <notes>Production code: NBBS096J; Length: 43'18"</notes>
    <original_release_medium>Terrestrial TV</original_release_medium>
    <producer>David Russell</producer>
    <producer>John Gardner</producer>
    <rating system="tvpg">TV-PG</rating>
    <title>Treating a cold</title>
    <writer>David Russell</writer>

  <file type="video">

  <file type="image">

    <title>Dr. Jill - Treating a cold (season 2)</title>
    <description>Medieval cold treatments were not fun.</description>
    <artwork type="custom_thumbnail" path="/feed/file[2]" />

    <item path="/feed/asset[@type='episode']" />
    <related_item path="/feed/file[1]" />

    <item path="/feed/file[1]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/video[1]" /> <!-- completes the video declaration -->

  <!-- The asset owner also administers the asset -->
  <rights_admin type="usage" owner="true"/>
  <rights_admin type="match" owner="true"/>

  <!-- declare a one-off policy -->
    <rule action="track">
      <condition restriction="include" type="territory">GB AU</condition>
    <rule action="block" subaction="review">
      <condition restriction="exclude" type="territory">GB AU</condition>

  <!-- Claim our uploaded video with the one-off policy -->
  <claim type="audiovisual"

    <item path="/feed/rights_policy[1]"/>
    <related_item path="/feed/asset[@type='episode']"/>


This feed creates a sound recording asset, provides ownership data for the asset, and creates a reference file. Finally, the feed defines and sets a match policy for the asset.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!-- Set the tag value to the sound recording's ISRC to be able to refer
       to the sound recording by ISRC in the feed and to have the ISRC
       returned in the feed's status report. -->
  <asset type="sound_recording" tag="ISRC00112233">
    <custom_id>ISRC00112233</custom_id> <!-- Can be ISRC or any other value. -->
    <title>Song Title</title>
    <!-- Optional asset tags below this comment -->
    <album>All your song title are belong to us</album>
    <artist>The Foos</artist>          <!-- Required for AudioSwap -->
    <genre>Blues</genre>             <!-- Required for AudioSwap -->
    <label>Foo label</label>

  <!-- Identify the file -->
  <file type="audio" tag="ISRC00112233">

  <!-- Asset is owned worldwide. -->
  <ownership tag="worldwide">
      <rule percentage="100">
        <condition restriction="exclude" type="territory"/>

    <item path="/feed/asset[@tag='ISRC00112233']"/>
    <related_item path="/feed/ownership[@tag='worldwide']"/>

  <!-- Create a reference by associating the file with the asset. -->
  <!-- The XML that is commented out would add the file to AudioSwap. -->
    <item path="/feed/file[@tag='ISRC00112233']"/>
    <related_item path="/feed/asset[@tag='ISRC00112233']"/>
    <!-- To include file in AudioSwap, remove comments around <related_item>
         tag below. The feed must also contain an <audioswap/> tag. -->
    <!--  <related_item path="/feed/audioswap"/>  -->

  <!-- Define administration rule indicating that you administer the
       asset in the same territories where you own it. -->
  <rights_admin type="match" owner="True"/>

  <!-- Define a policy to block user-uploaded videos matching more than 90%
       of the asset and to monetize other matching user-uploaded videos. -->
  <rights_policy tag="Block 90% match">
    <rule action="block">
      <condition restriction="greater_equal" type="match_percent">90</condition>
    <rule action="monetize">
      <condition restriction="less_than" type="match_percent">90</condition>

  <!-- Set a match policy for the asset -->
    <item path="/feed/rights_admin[@type='match']"/>
    <item path="/feed/rights_policy[@tag='Block 90% match']"/>
    <related_item path="feed/asset[@tag='ISRC00112233']"/>

Status report

<Feed version="2">
    <action name="Parse">
    <action name="Process asset">
        <id type="Asset ID">A838770060555823</id>
        <action name="Set metadata">
        <action name="Set rights policy">
                <in_file>/feed/rights_policy[@tag='Block 90% match']</in_file>
        <action name="Set ownership">
    <action name="Process file">
        <action name="Submit reference">
            <id type="Reference ID">fN5ZUoUYTk4</id>
            <id type="Asset ID">A838770060555823</id>

This feed shows how to add all of the songs on an album into the rights management system. It creates a sound recording asset for each song and identifies the file that contains each song’s digital media content, thereby creating a reference file for each song. (The media files need to be uploaded with the feed.) The feed applies the same ownership settings and match policy to all of the songs on the album.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!-- Create one sound recording asset for each song. For songs on the same
       album, all information is likely to be the same from one song to the
       next except for the title, the ISRC, and the value of the <asset>
       tag's <span class=code>tag</span> attribute. -->

  <!-- Song #1 -->
  <!-- Tip: Set the tag value to the sound recording's ISRC to be able to
       refer to the sound recording by ISRC in the feed and to have the ISRC
       returned in the feed's status report. -->
  <asset type="sound_recording" tag="ISRC00112233">
    <title>SONG TITLE 1</title>
    <artist>ARTIST NAME</artist>
    <album>ALBUM TITLE</album>
    <label>LABEL NAME</label>

  <!-- Create the reference file for the sound recording asset (song #1) -->
  <file type="audio" tag="ISRC00112233">

  <!-- Associate the reference file with the sound recording asset (song #1) -->
  <relationship type="associate">
    <item path="/feed/asset[@tag='ISRC00112233']"/>
    <related_item path="/feed/file[@tag='ISRC00112233']"/>

  <!-- Song #2 -->
  <asset type="sound_recording" tag="ISRC99887766">
    <title>SONG TITLE 2</title>
    <artist>ARTIST NAME</artist>
    <album>ALBUM TITLE</album>
    <label>LABEL NAME</label>

  <!-- Create the reference file for the sound recording asset (song #2) -->
  <file type="audio" tag="ISRC99887766">

  <!-- Associates the reference file to the sound recording asset (song #2) -->
  <relationship type="associate">
    <item path="/feed/asset[@tag='ISRC99887766']"/>
    <related_item path="/feed/file[@tag='ISRC99887766']"/>

  <!-- Set ownership for all of the assets (sound recordings) in the feed.
       In this example, the same ownership settings apply to all of the
       songs on the same album. (The ownership settings indicate that the
       assets are owned everywhere but Canada and the United States. -->
  <ownership tag="ownership">
      <rule percentage="100">
        <condition restriction="exclude" type="territory">CA US</condition>

  <relationship type="associate">
    <item path="/feed/ownership[@tag='ownership']"/>
    <related_item path="/feed/asset"/>

  <!-- Create admin rights for user-uploaded videos that contain your songs. -->
  <rights_admin owner="True" type="match" tag="rights_admin"/>

  <!-- Create a policy that monetizes the sound recordings worldwide. (YouTube
       only enforces the policy in the countries where you own the songs.) -->
  <rights_policy tag="rights_policy">
    <rule action="Monetize">
      <condition restriction="exclude" type="territory"/>

  <!-- Associate all of the songs with the admin rights and match policy. -->
  <relationship type="associate">
    <item path="/external/rights_policy[@name='Monetize in all countries']"/>
    <item path="/feed/rights_admin[@tag='rights_admin']"/>
    <related_item path="/feed/asset"/>

Status report

<Feed version="2">
   <action name="Parse">
   <action name="Process asset">
       <id type="Asset ID">A538859383693764</id>
       <action name="Set metadata">
       <action name="Set rights policy">
               <name>Monetize in all countries</name>
       <action name="Set ownership">
   <action name="Process asset">
       <id type="Asset ID">A306078208014179</id>
       <action name="Set metadata">
       <action name="Set rights policy">
               <name>Monetize in all countries</name>
       <action name="Set ownership">
   <action name="Process file">
       <action name="Submit reference">
           <id type="Reference ID">fpZs0yOktbg</id>
           <id type="Asset ID">A538859383693764</id>
   <action name="Process file">
       <action name="Submit reference">
           <id type="Reference ID">UAU6tsSQ-28</id>
           <id type="Asset ID">A306078208014179</id>

This feed creates a composition asset, provides ownership data for the composition, and sets a match policy for the composition. In this example, two owners share ownership of the asset. The example also uses a ‘contained_by’ relationship to associate the composition with sound recordings that contain it.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <asset type="composition" tag="T0913255414">
    <title>Full-size Pickup Line</title>

  <!-- The composition has two owners who have 60% and 40% shares worldwide -->
  <ownership tag="T0913255414">
    <owner name="Foo Publishing" type="publisher"
      <rule percentage="60"/>

    <owner name="Baz Publishing" type="publisher"
      <rule percentage="40"/>

  <relationship type="associate">
    <item path="/feed/asset[@tag='T0913255414']"/>
    <related_item path="/feed/ownership[@tag='T0913255414']"/>

  <!-- Indicate that the owner is also the administrator -->
  <rights_admin type="match" owner="True"/>

  <!-- Set a match policy for the composition by associating the asset
       with the rights administrator and rights policy information -->
    <item path="/feed/rights_admin[@type='match']"/>
    <item path="/external/rights_policy[@name='Monetize US CA only']"/>
    <related_item path="/feed/asset[@tag='T0913255414']"/>

  <!-- Associate the composition with sound recordings that embed it -->
  <relationship type="contained_by">
    <item path="/feed/asset[@tag='T0913255414']"/>
    <related_item path="/external/asset[id='ASSET_ID_1_']"/>
    <related_item path="/external/asset[id='ASSET_ID_2_']"/>
    <related_item path="/external/asset[isrc='ISRC00112233']" />

Status report

<Feed version="2">
    <action name="Parse">
    <action name="Process asset">
        <id type="Asset ID">A371988195838719</id>
        <action name="Set metadata">
        <action name="Set rights policy">
                <name>Monetize in all countries</name>
        <action name="Set ownership">
    <action name="Set rights owner">
    <action name="Set rights owner">
    <action name="Set asset relationship">

This feed creates a music video asset, a reference file for the asset, and a YouTube video. It claims the video and defines a match policy for user-uploaded videos that match the asset.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
   notification_email="" channel="TestChannel">
  <!-- Comprehensive music video example: Music label delivers a
       music video reference file, along with:
       - asset metadata for both the video and the composition
       - rights administration
       - one-off policy for the publisher's portion of the rights
       - instructions to show the video on YT -->

  <!-- Specify the location of the reference file -->
  <file type="video">

  <!-- update an existing music video asset -->
  <asset type="music_video">
    <label>Windy Music</label>
    <title>Oboes are down on their luck</title>
    <artist>Hot Dog McCarthy</artist>

  <!-- ownership for the music video asset -->
    <owner type="partner" name="Foo Music Group">
        <condition restriction="include" type="territory">US CA MX</condition>
        <!-- 100% ownership implied -->
        <!-- More conditions. All conditions must be true for rule to apply -->
      <!-- More rules for this owner. All conditions of at least one rule
           must be true for owner to be recognized as the owner of any
           associated asset(s). -->
    <!-- More owners of the asset if there are different owners in
         different countries. For compositions, multiple owners can have
         partial ownership within the same country. -->

  <!-- Associate the asset with its reference file and ownership-->
  <relationship type="associate">
    <item path="/feed/asset[1]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/file[1]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/ownership[1]" />

  <!-- rights administration for the music video asset -->
  <rights_admin owner="True" type="match"/>
  <rights_admin owner="True" type="usage"/>
  <!-- Declare a one-off policy. -->
  <rights_policy tag="policy-ugc">
    <rule action="block" subaction="review">
      <condition restriction="include" type="territory">US CA</condition>
      <condition restriction="greater_than" type="match_percent">90</condition>
      <condition restriction="less_than" type="match_percent">97</condition>
    <rule action="monetize">
      <condition restriction="greater_equal" type="match_percent">97</condition>
    <rule action="block">
      <condition restriction="include" type="territory">CA ES</condition>

  <!-- One-off policy to monetize partner-uploaded content everywhere. -->
  <rights_policy tag="policy-upload">
    <rule action="monetize" />

  <!-- combine the policy with the administrator and asset to apply that
       policy to the asset for that administrator. The conditions are ANDed
       together so the resulting applied policy in this example would be:
       - monetize US
       - ignore GB (someone else administers GB, or policy already defined)
       - block everywhere else -->

  <!-- Set the default match policy for the asset -->
  <relationship type="associate">
    <item path="/feed/rights_admin[1]" />
    <item path="/feed/rights_policy[1]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/asset[1]" />

  <!-- create a video from the file -->
    <title>Oboes are down on their luck</title>
    <description>Oboes are down on their luck</description>
    <keyword>Hot Dog</keyword>

  <!-- Associate the reference file with the video -->
  <relationship type="associate">
    <item path="/feed/file[1]"/>
    <related_item path="/feed/video[1]"/>

  <!-- Define claim -->
  <claim type="audiovisual"/>

  <!-- Claim the audiovisual content in the video
       with the partner's upload rights designation-->
  <relationship type="associate">
    <item path="/feed/claim[1]"/>
    <item path="/feed/asset[1]"/>
    <item path="/feed/rights_admin[@type='usage']"/>
    <item path="/feed/rights_policy[2]"/>
    <related_item path="/feed/video[1]"/>

Status report

<Feed version="2">
   <action name="Parse">
   <action name="Process asset">
       <id type="Asset ID">A772833876361203</id>
       <action name="Set metadata">
       <action name="Set rights policy">
       <action name="Set ownership">
   <action name="Process claim">
       <id type="Video ID">iLMnJ0KXGk4</id>
       <action name="Set rights policy">
       <action name="Claim video">
   <action name="Process file">
       <action name="Submit reference">
           <id type="Reference ID">jFqLylbmZFs</id>
           <id type="Video ID">iLMnJ0KXGk4</id>
           <id type="Asset ID">A772833876361203</id>
       <action name="Submit video">
           <id type="Video ID">iLMnJ0KXGk4</id>

This feed shows how to upload and claim a video that you administer but do not own. Since you are not the owner of the asset, the feed doesn’t provide ownership data for the asset.

This feed also uploads a video, but does not create a reference or set a match policy since those are things that the video owner would likely do. If your administration rights include the ability to set policies for user-uploaded videos that match your video, however, you could create a reference and set a match policy.

A key portion of this feed is the <rights_admin> tag sets the owner attribute to False since the asset owner and asset administrator are different entities. In addition, the <rights_admin> tag defines a rule that identifies the territories where you administer the asset.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
   notification_email="" channel="TestChannel">
  <!-- define the asset -->
  <asset type="web">
    <description>Someone talks about something.</description>
    <title>Claim w/o reference test #1</title>

  <!-- define the video metadata -->
    <description>Upload a video and claim it without creating a reference.</description>
    <genre>People & Blogs</genre>
    <keyword>sample xml</keyword>
    <title>Claim w/o reference test #1</title>

  <!-- define video file -->
  <file type="video">

  <!-- associate the video metadata with the video file -->
    <item path="/feed/video[1]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/file[1]" />

  <!-- Set rights administration rules. The rights administrator, in this case,
       is not the owner. So, this file does not specify any ownership data. The
       rights_admin tag contains a rule identifying the countries where the
       administrator has the right to monetize the data. -->
  <rights_admin owner="False" type="usage">
      <condition restriction="include" type="territory">US CA</condition>

  <!-- Claim the video and set a usage policy to a saved policy. -->
  <claim type="audiovisual"
         rights_policy="/external/rights_policy[@name='Monetize in all countries']"/>
  <!-- Do not associate asset with file to create reference -->
  <!-- Do not set asset ownership -->
  <!-- Do not set a match policy -->

Status report

<Feed version="2">
    <action name="Parse">
    <action name="Process asset">
        <id type="Asset ID">A963932478721363</id>
        <action name="Set metadata">
    <action name="Process claim">
        <id type="Video ID">RHlXb2w8fM0</id>
        <action name="Set rights policy">
                <name>Monetize in all countries</name>
        <action name="Claim video">
    <action name="Process file">
        <action name="Submit video">
            <id type="Video ID">RHlXb2w8fM0</id>

This example updates a movie asset. The <asset> tag uses the id attribute to identify an existing asset. The asset is then associated with a new reference file and ownership data.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!-- Partial update of a movie example: Movie studio delivers additional
       references for an existing asset -->

  <!-- Fix a typo in the title of an existing external asset. -->
  <asset type="movie" id="ASSET_ID_1_">
    <title>Reservoir Puppies II: The Search For Spot</title>

  <!-- attach a new reference file -->
  <file type="video">

  <!-- associate the file with the movie asset -->
    <item path="/feed/asset[1]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/file[1]" />

  <!-- modify part of ownership for the movie asset -->
    <owner type="partner" name="Sappy Pictures Inc">
        <condition restriction="include" type="territory">US</condition>

  <!-- associate the ownership data with the movie asset -->
    <item path="/external/asset[id='ASSET_ID_1_']" />
    <related_item path="/feed/ownership[1]" />

This feed uploads a trailer asset (and video) and links the trailer to an existing movie asset.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
   notification_email="" channel="TestChannel">
  <!-- Create a trailer for an existing movie asset -->

  <asset type="trailer" tag="trailer1">
    <actor>Sarah Marshal</actor>
    <description>Pet care is a difficult business!</description>
    <director>Will Harper</director>
    <genre>Action & Adventure</genre>
    <producer>Jake Harding</producer>
    <producer>Ladybird Patterson</producer>
    <rating system="mpaa">PG</rating>
    <title>The Dogbather</title>
    <writer>Amelia Stickerbook</writer>

  <!-- Define ownership for the asset. Feed uploader owns asset worldwide -->
  <ownership tag="trailer1"/>

  <!-- Set ownership for the asset -->
    <item path="/feed/asset[@tag='trailer1']" />
    <related_item path="/feed/ownership[@tag='trailer1']" />

  <!-- define reference file -->
  <file type="video" tag="trailer1">

  <!-- define video metadata -->
  <video type="trailer" tag="trailer1">
    <title>The Dogbather, now available on Blu-Ray</title>
    <description>You should totally buy this.</description>

  <!-- Associate the video file with the asset and video elements -->
    <item path="/feed/file[@tag='trailer1']" />
    <related_item path="/feed/asset[@tag='trailer1']" />
    <related_item path="/feed/video[@tag='trailer1']" />

  <!-- rights administration for the movie itself: mirrors ownership -->
  <rights_admin owner="True" type="usage"/>
  <rights_admin owner="True" type="match"/>

  <!-- Claim the video and set a usage policy -->
  <claim type="audiovisual"
         rights_policy="/external/rights_policy[@name='Monetize worldwide']"/>

  <!-- Associate the trailer asset with the movie it promotes -->
    <item path="/feed/video[@tag='trailer1']" />
    <related_item path="/external/video[@type='movie'][@custom_id='w1234']" />

  <!-- Set default match policy for the asset using a policy saved in CMS -->
    <item path="/feed/rights_admin[@type='match']" />
    <item path="/external/rights_policy[@name='Monetize everywhere']" />
    <related_item path="/feed/asset[@tag='trailer1']" />
Add a caption file for an existing video

This feed uploads a caption file (in SubRip format) for an existing video.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<file type="timed_text">


  <item path="/feed/caption[1]" />
  <item path="/feed/file[1]" />
  <related_item path="/external/video[@id='VIDEO_ID_1']" />

Blocking embedding at specific domains

This feed uploads a video and prevents users from embedding the video at particular domains. The domain blacklist applies to this video only; to block embedding for all videos, set the domains on the Settings Overviewpage.

When specifying a domain to block, include a wildcard before and after the domain name so that the block applies to subdomains and to URLs that include variables.

To block embedding generally with certain exceptions, use the <domain_whitelist> tag in place of<domain_blacklist>.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
   notification_email="" channel="TestChannel">
   <!-- define the video file -->
 <file type="video">

   <!-- define the video metadata -->
    <artwork type="custom_thumbnail" path="/feed/file[2]" />
    <description>Description of another test video.</description>
    <title>I am on the Internet</title>
    <domain_blacklist>**, **</domain_blacklist>

   <!-- link the file and video metadata -->
    <item path="/feed/video[1]" />
    <related_item path="/feed/file[1]" />


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Suite of Free Tools

$0.45 USD - $4.00 USD

Note: The accepted formula that Auxiliary Mode Inc. uses to calculate the CPM range is $0.45 USD - $25.00 USD.

The range fluctuates this much because many factors come into play when calculating a CPM. Quality of traffic, source country, niche type of video, price of specific ads, adblock, the actual click rate, watch time and etc.

Cost per thousand (CPM) is a marketing term used to denote the price of 1,000 advertisement impressions on one webpage. If a website publisher charges $2.00CPM, that means an advertiser must pay $2.00 for every 1,000 impressions of its ad. The "M" in CPM represents the Roman numeral for 1,000.

$0.00 - $0.00

Estimated daily earnings

$0.00 - $0.00

Estimated monthly earnings

$0.00 - $0.00

Estimated yearly projection

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