Advanced options for using block – Twitter

In your blocked account settings, you’ll find the following advanced options:

  • Ability to export your list of blocked accounts to share with another user;
  • Ability to import another user’s list of blocked accounts; and
  • Ability to manage your list of imported blocked accounts separately from your full list of blocked accounts.

Share your block list with others

By exporting your block list, you can share the list with others so they can block the same list of accounts.

To export your block list:

  1. Navigate to your blocked account settings on
  2. At the top of your block list, click All to export your full block list. Click Imported to export the block list(s) you have imported.
  3. Click the Advanced options drop-down menu.
  4. Select Export your list.
  5. Confirm the accounts you want to export.
  6. Click Export and a .csv file will be downloaded to your computer and you can share the file with other Twitter users. If your block list exceeds 5,000 accounts, your list will be separated into multiple files.
Note: The export file includes a user ID for each account on the list. It does not include any other information about the users on the list.

Import someone else’s block list

By importing another user’s block list, you can block the same list of accounts.

To import a block list:

  1. Make sure the file shared with you is a .csv file and save it to your computer.
  2. Navigate to your blocked account settings on
  3. Click the Advanced options drop-down menu.
  4. Select Import a list.
  5. In the pop-up, click on the paperclip icon and find the .csv file. Click Open to import the list.
  6. The file name will be displayed when the file has been successfully imported.
  7. Click Preview. The list of the accounts will be displayed. You can uncheck any accounts you do not wish to block (accounts that you currently follow will be automatically unchecked).
  8. Click Block to confirm.
  9. The imported accounts will be added to your block list.

Manage your block list

You can see a full list of the accounts that you have blocked by going to your blocked account settings on

At the top of your block list, you’ll see the option to click All or Imported.

  • Click All to see every account you are currently blocking.
  • Click Imported to see the accounts you blocked after importing another user’s list.

Unblock users

Click the Blocked btn next to the account you’d like to unblock (the btn will read Unblocked when you hover over it).

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