Account settings on Vine

How do I reset my password?

You can change the password on your Vine account by navigating to your profile and selecting “Settings”. From there, you can tap the “Reset password” btn.

Note: you must have an email address associated with your account in order to reset your password. You will get an error if you do not have an email address and attempt to reset your password.

If you are not receiving your password reset emails make sure the email address on your account is correct and contains no typos. You can view what email address is associated with your account on your “Settings” page.

How do I add or change my email address?

You can change the email address on your Vine account at any time. To do this, navigate to your profile and then select “Settings”. From there you can add or change your account information, including your email address.

How do I change the Twitter account connected to my Vine account?

If you signed up for a Vine account using a Twitter account and would like to connect a different Twitter account to your Vine account, you must first make sure that the Vine account has an email address associated with it. Once you’ve added an email address to your Vine account in your profile settings, you can delete the connection to Twitter and then reconnect using a different Twitter account.

Please note that your Vine account’s profile picture and bio will remain the same as the ones from the Twitter account you originally signed up with. You can change your profile pic or bio at any time in your Vine account’s profile settings.

Can I control who sees the content I post on Vine?

Profiles and posts on Vine are public by default, which means that anyone on the service can view and share them. Beginning with version 1.3, you can protect your posts, making them visible in Vine only to the people you approve to follow you. If you protect your posts, you will be the only one who can choose to share your protected posts outside of Vine (to Twitter or Facebook). When a post is shared outside of Vine and the post URL is revealed, anyone with the URL can view the post.

To protect your posts, navigate to your Profile and then select “Settings” and “Your Content.” On the “Your Content” page, check “Posts are protected.” This setting applies to all of your posts. Behavior for protected posts is as follows:

Public posts Protected posts
  • Within Vine: Visible to all Vine users
  • Within Vine: Visible only to your followers
  • Shareable to Twitter and Facebook, and embeddable (by you or by other Vine users). Sharing externally reveals a post’s URL. Anyone with the post URL can view the post.
  • Only you can choose to share your posts. If you share a post to Twitter or Facebook, or embed it, the post’s URL will be revealed. Anyone with the post URL can view the post.
  • Eligible for public feeds (e.g., Popular Now, Editor’s Picks, trending hashtags)
  • Not eligible for public feeds (e.g., Popular Now, Editor’s Picks, trending hashtags)
  • Any Vine user can comment on or like your posts.
  • Only your followers can comment on or like your posts.
  • Anyone can follow you. If you want to prevent certain users from following you, you may block them.
  • Users must request to follow you, and you choose whether or not to approve them. (If you switch from public to protected, existing followers will remain. You can block them if you no longer want them following you.)
  • Can be revined.
  • Cannot be revined. When you switch to protected, any posts that have been revined will disappear from the feeds of users who revined them.

How do I share a video posted on Vine to Twitter or Facebook?

You can share posts on Vine to Twitter or Facebook by visiting your profile settings and adding a Twitter or Facebook account under “Social Networks.” Once you’ve added a Twitter or Facebook account, you’ll have the option to share to that service each time you post a video.

If you want to share a video after posting it to Vine, you can do this by tapping the arrow icon at the bottom of your post. From the menu that pops up, you can select Share with a friend or More options, which includes options for sharing via Twitter or Facebook, or copying the link to your clipboard. When you share the post, both the video and the caption are included.

You can also share someone else’s Vine post, as long as that user has not protected his/her posts.

What is the “sensitive posts” setting, and when should I use it?

The sensitive posts setting allows you to label your posts for the appropriate viewers. If your posts contain material that might be considered sensitive such as nudity, violence, or medical procedures, you should apply the sensitive posts setting. Users will be required to click through a warning message before a post is displayed to them.

To mark your posts as sensitive, navigate to your Profile and then select “Settings” and “Your Content.” On the “Your Content” tab, check “Sensitive posts.”

If another user notices that you have not marked your post appropriately, that user may flag your post for review.

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$0.45 USD - $4.00 USD

Note: The accepted formula that Auxiliary Mode Inc. uses to calculate the CPM range is $0.45 USD - $25.00 USD.

The range fluctuates this much because many factors come into play when calculating a CPM. Quality of traffic, source country, niche type of video, price of specific ads, adblock, the actual click rate, watch time and etc.

Cost per thousand (CPM) is a marketing term used to denote the price of 1,000 advertisement impressions on one webpage. If a website publisher charges $2.00CPM, that means an advertiser must pay $2.00 for every 1,000 impressions of its ad. The "M" in CPM represents the Roman numeral for 1,000.

$0.00 - $0.00

Estimated daily earnings

$0.00 - $0.00

Estimated monthly earnings

$0.00 - $0.00

Estimated yearly projection

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