YouTube Insights Viability Predictions

This tool calculates a prediction for the viability of every YouTube video category based off of the data for the top 50 trending videos in the selected region for the past 30 days. Based off of the proportion of videos in the top 50 for the category and the engagement (like and comment percentages) the category receives a viability score is calculated.

A viability score is a good indicator for what categories are the most popular and the best to begin posting in. A viability score of 100+ is amazing, a score of 50+ is great, a score of 25+ is okay, and a score of 10 or below is poor.

This data is saved every day, and using linear regression we calculate the line of best fit to predict the category’s predicted viability score.

To use this tool, simply hit the “Get YouTube Insights Predictions” button. The 1-30th data points are past readings and the 31-35th data points are the predictions.

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