YouTube TrueView Ads: The Rundown

YouTube TrueView Ads: The Rundown With YouTube TrueView Ads Pay only when someone chooses to watch your video, so your ad budget is always well-spent.

Where viewers choose you

You pay only when a viewer actually chooses to watch your video. Your budgets will go farther and be more efficiently spent.

Pay …

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What Mobile Millennials Want: Structure Without Obligation

What Mobile Millennials Want: Structure Without Obligation

We’re all so busy these days. If it’s not work, it’s drinks with old friends or a date with a neglected Netflix queue. But what’s actually keeping us busy?

The average American male works 12 fewer hours a week compared with 40 years ago, according to …

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Dove Real Beauty Sketches: 163 Million Views on YouTube

Dove Real Beauty Sketches: 163 Million Views on YouTube

Dove believes in celebrating beauty in its diversity and, in doing so, raising the self-esteem of women and young girls globally. Featuring real women in advertising has been an integral part of the Dove brand’s DNA—dating back to the introduction of the Dove Beauty Bar …

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Take The Wheel: 5 Ways To Drive Buyer Behavior With User-Generated Content

Take The Wheel: 5 Ways To Drive Buyer Behavior With User-Generated Content

It is very important to drive buyer behaviour. Branded communities are emerging as one of the most effective tactics in social marketing, so it’s no surprise that marketers are beginning to invest more resources into building them on their websites and mobile …

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Online Dating Site Zoosk Finds Fame through YouTube

Online dating site Zoosk wanted more than broad awareness, it was after brand “fame.” To do this, the company moved away from TV and looked towards a more conversational platform – YouTube. It created a YouTube channel and used TrueView and standard in-stream ads for its #HeartFriend and #MountainMan campaigns. This let Zoosk place its …

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Twitter Woos Businesses With Launch Of “Official Partner Program”

Twitter Woos Businesses With Launch Of “Official Partner Program”

Twitter today announced a rebranding of its how-to-use-Twitter-for-marketing program. Now called the Twitter Official Partner Program, it merges the Twitter Certified Program and the Twitter Marketing Platform Partner Program.

Essentially what that means is businesses that want third-party help with their Twitter campaigns and …

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YouTube and Broadway: A Cinderella Story

Critically acclaimed as a fresh take on a timeless story, the Broadway musical “Rodgers + Hammerstein”s Cinderella” wanted to reach a new audience: children and adults in New York. Its agency, Situation Interactive, turned to YouTube, allocating 10% of its TV advertising spend to TrueView ads. The result? A 12% increase in ticket sales, heightened …

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At-A-Glance Guide To 7 Major Online Video Platforms

At-A-Glance Guide To 7 Major Online Video Platforms

Online video is … so hot right now.

And with apologies to Ben Stiller and the Zoolander crew, it’s not likely to cool off anytime soon. The metrics are staggering: Facebook regularly touts its 4 billion daily views, Snapchat says it now serves 2 billion …

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Mercedes-Benz France’s Immersive YouTube Experience Fuels Shift in Brand Perception

Edgy, energetic, passionate. These were just some of the responses to Mercedes-Benz France’s Sensations campaign, created to help modernize the iconic brand and introduce its new SUV. The immersive experience focuses on The Monolith, a black box that’s crafted into a car by the movements of a series of American football players, skateboarders, dancers and …

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Unilever’s ‘Project Sunlight’ Shines With 77 Million YouTube Views

Unilever’s ‘Project Sunlight’ Shines With 77 Million YouTube Views

Project Sunlight is Unilever’s long-term initiative to encourage consumers to live more sustainably. To help people realize the urgency of this issue, the brand developed a TrueView YouTube campaign featuring pregnant couples watching a film depicting a hopeful future. Through a command center that brought together …

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Suite of Free Tools

$0.45 USD - $4.00 USD

Note: The accepted formula that Auxiliary Mode Inc. uses to calculate the CPM range is $0.45 USD - $25.00 USD.

The range fluctuates this much because many factors come into play when calculating a CPM. Quality of traffic, source country, niche type of video, price of specific ads, adblock, the actual click rate, watch time and etc.

Cost per thousand (CPM) is a marketing term used to denote the price of 1,000 advertisement impressions on one webpage. If a website publisher charges $2.00CPM, that means an advertiser must pay $2.00 for every 1,000 impressions of its ad. The "M" in CPM represents the Roman numeral for 1,000.

$0.00 - $0.00

Estimated daily earnings

$0.00 - $0.00

Estimated monthly earnings

$0.00 - $0.00

Estimated yearly projection

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