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YouTube Marketing Tips – 5 Tips to Give your Videos the Best Chance to Succeed

YouTube Marketing Tips – 5 Tips to Give your Videos the Best Chance to Succeed

A lot of people are online these days searching for YouTube marketing tips.  There is a few great reasons why people are looking for help marketing on YouTube, mainly because YouTube is the #3 most visited website in the world, the #2 search engine, and on top of that Google owns YouTube so they love to place those videos in their search engine rankings!

With those things in mind, it makes perfect sense to want some YouTube marketing tips so you can get in on the action, and start getting some traffic from this awesome website!  In this article, I will share with you 5 of my most top secret tips that will help your videos get out of the gates running, giving them the best possible chance to rank in YouTube and Google.

My Top 5 YouTube Marketing Tips Revealed!

  1. Create New Accounts – If you already have a YouTube account just go ahead and create a new account from a new IP address.  After doing this, limit the number of money videos you put into each account to approximately 20 videos.  The reason you want to do this is because YouTube/Google likes to shut down accounts, and it would be bad if you had every single money video you ever shot in that one account.  You would lose everything, and lose all of your income from your videos.  It is a bit of a hassle to create the new Google accounts, but if you consider what could happen if Google decided your videos were not what they want it makes it a wise decision to do so.
  2. Customize Your Channel – Let Google know you are real.  Let them know you are a real person behind this account.  If you are graphically challenged like me head over to and find a gig for YouTube channel backgrounds.  I also like to add some links and affiliate links in the sidebar of my channel.  If people are poking around and checking out your channel you want to have links in there for them to follow.
  3. Get Authority in Your Channel – You are probably wondering how the heck you do this.  It is actually relatively easy, just go around and like and comment on other videos in your niche.  You can also let your friends know about your new channel and get some quick subscribers like that.  One thing I don’t recommend is buying gigs that promise a lot of subscribers.  YouTube is smart, and they will pick up on this and give your channel the axe.
  4. Keyword Research – This is one of the most important YouTube Marketing tips I can give you, and that is to perform some keyword research before shooting your videos.  The goal of the videos if to get views.  Views translate into all sorts of things, and if you shoot a video targeting a keyword that never get’s searched you won’t get any traffic.  So head over to the Google Keyword Tool and find some good keywords with at least 200 exact searches per month to target with your videos.
  5. On Page SEO – If you are not familiar with the term SEO it stands for Search Engine Optimization.  There are a few things I am going to advise you do to give your video some basic On Page SEO.  Here are some of the things you should do to nail down your On Page:
  • Keyword in Title – Make sure you get your target keyword in the Title of your video.  So, if your target keyword is “get leads on Facebook” you would want to have a title like this – 4 Tips to Get Leads On Facebook Starting Today.
  • Say the Keyword – You certainly do not want to sound redundant and repeat the keyword, especially if it sounds un natural, but you should say the keyword in your video in the first 10 seconds, and try to sprinkle it in naturally throughout the video.
  • Description – The description has a lot to do with ranking a YouTube video.  Get your keyword right at the beginning of your description on each video.  The next part may seem like a lot of work, but the name of the game is results so what you want to do is write a 500+ word description, which contains your target keyword 1-3% of the time.  A lot of people do not do this, and they WILL favor the ones that go the extra mile so definitely  write a quality description of at least 500 words.
  • Annotations – After you upload your video and add the description, the video will process.  Once it is done processing you will be able to add annotations.  Annotations are a great opportunity to get your keyword in a few more times, so take advantage of that and create some catchy annotations with your target keyword in it.

If you follow these steps you would have yourself a quality YouTube marketing strategy.  Although all of these extra steps seem like a lot of work for every video, remember that YouTube will recognize this extra effort and give your videos the edge over other ones that do not do these things.

All of these YouTube marketing tips are not things I just figured out on my own.  I purchased the best YouTube marketing course on the market called Tube Traffic Mojo, and it taught me everything I know about creating videos the right way.  If you want to make video marketing one of your marketing strategies I recommend checking it out.  You can read my personal review of this product HERE.

I hope these YouTube marketing tips have been helpful to you!  Video marketing is an awesome way to generate leads or get traffic and sales.  The sooner you get on board and start cranking out videos the sooner you can enjoy the benefits. Read more here

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