Aux Mode

Facebook Launches New Dynamic Ads for Video Streaming Platforms

By: Andrew Hutchinson

Today, The Social Network has added new ‘Dynamic Ads for Streaming’, which is designed to help video streaming brands showcase relevant titles to people on Facebook, in order to entice new sign-ups based on their interests.

As explained by Facebook:

“With Dynamic Ads for Streaming, when people see an ad for your service in their feed, they can swipe through the ad to see personalized, relevant titles they might be interested in, based on interests they’ve shown on Facebook and Instagram. Audiences can also follow your call to action to start a trial or subscribe.”

The option enables streaming video brands to add the titles of the content hosted on their service within the campaign set-up process. Facebook’s system will then use that list as a prompt to target users who’ve shown interest in each, by Liking a related Page, for example, or a fan Page of one of the stars, being a member of a related group, etc…read more.

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