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Build your YouTube toolbox

Build your YouTube toolbox

YouTube is already a popular destination for brands to host content: the 100 top brands have posted a combined 258,000 videos, driving 9.5 billion video views. But many brands are just scratching the surface of what’s available on YouTube, using it merely as a video hosting platform and missing out on the opportunity to cultivate a community or capitalize on SEO. After all, YouTube is also the world’s second largest search engine (behind Google).

Fullscreen’s Channel+ team has been working with the world’s top brands for more than two years, creating and growing thriving YouTube communities. At the same time, we’ve used our expertise to create the best suite of tools for brands to use on YouTube. These tools will help you through the three main phases of optimizing your YouTube channel: analysis, management, and growth.


Before you can start to optimize your brand’s channel, you need to know some YouTube best practices. One common way to start is to measure your channel against the advice in the YouTube Creator Playbook. This manual lays out best practices for video and channel optimization, from metadata guidelines to templates for channel banners, in great detail. But sifting through this 90-page playbook on your own can be laborious.

A quick and easy way to compare your channel to the YouTube Playbook is to use Fullscreen’s Channelyzr tool, which automatically evaluates your channel against the YouTube playbook and other proven practices. Channelyzr helps you easily identify growth areas for your channel and outlines specific actions you can take to fix errors and maximize opportunities.

Once you’ve optimized your brand’s channel, the next challenge is to surface and connect with viewers. If you want to take a deeper dive and meet your brand’s audience across other YouTube channels, or outside the YouTube environment entirely, Fullscreen’s Brand Dashboard tracks mentions of your brand across social media platforms and connect your brand directly with the fans who are evangelizing it the most.


For many brands, analyzing and implementing best practices across their whole portfolio of media portfolio is arduous. For this, Fullscreen offers Channel+, the premier channel management service in the industry, offering 24/7 channel management services to global clients such as FOX, McDonald’s, GE, and NBC.

Channel+ manages YouTube channels for many of the world’s top brands, offering myriad channel services including video upload and operation, content creation and programming, and creator collaboration and promotion. For example, one of our most tenured clients, NBC, has seen impressive network growth with their channels under the purview of Channel+.


Once your brand’s channel is optimized and running smoothly, it’s time to focus on growth. Channel+ focuses on two major growth enablers: collaborations and Content ID.

The idea behind collaborations is simple: pair your brand with established, popular YouTube creators to trumpet your message. Authentic execution and delivery are more complex. Should you have a creator amplify your message through overt advertising, or should you integrate your brand intelligently into their content? Both option present pros and cons. Channel+ can help your brand navigate this challenge to identify creators who closely align with your brand, as well as work with both your brand and creators to craft the most impactful and authentic piece of content possible.

Given the time and energy it takes to produce compelling content, it’s crucial to monitor how your content is used outside of your brand’s channel. There’s a fine line between taking down competing pirated videos and taking advantage the power of user-generated content. Channel+ offers a powerful Content ID tool to surface and control all ripped or related content, giving you insight into your brand’s reach and revenue beyond your official channel. Managing Content ID effectively is the best way for you to manage your copyrights, control how your branded content is used, and extract powerful promotional value out of user-generated content.

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