Aux Mode

YouTube: Video Sharing & Marketing Part 1 of 3

YouTube: Video Sharing & Marketing Part 1 of 3


This blog is part 1 of 3 blogs sharing information about YouTube and creating videos to share and market. YouTube is the hottest new medium for small and big business online marketing. Plain and simply, this is because of the constant increase of videos and the number of visitors per month is over 150 million.  Not surprisingly, more and more viewers are watching YouTube videos on their mobile devices and this allows YouTube to deliver a massive audience. What does it cost to post a video on YouTube? Nothing. The price of shooting and editing your videos is what you have to determine and that’s it! There are three types of YouTube videos that can help you attract new viewers and customers for your business: Informative videos, Educational videos and Entertainment videos. Let’s discuss informative videos and why they work. First, you are giving your customer relevant, useful and needed information. These videos will bring customers back for more the next time they need answers. It could be as simple as reviewing the frequently asked questions on your website and other social platforms and answering them in a video format. For example, let’s say you are considering buying a new car. You have done all the research and have come up with 2 cars from different companies. Both companies offer quality vehicles, similar packages and extras at the same price.  So, you decide to Google each company to find out more about special offers or perhaps customer testimonials. What do you find? One company has a YouTube channel on their website and each video gives you information you need—you notice that they have over 100 informative videos including the top 25 questions and answers customers have when buying a specific model, special newscasts about the company, facts, customer testimonials, in-depth information about models of cars or news about cars in general. Which company would you end up buying from? Yes, the company that shares information and shows that they are an authority in the vehicle industry. Remember these videos are not self-promotional they provide useful information for the customer.  Stay tuned for our blogs Part 2of3 and Part 3of3: YouTube Video Sharing and Marketing your Business.


Contact Aux Mode for more information on YouTube tips, tricks and monetization. Please subscribe to our network here. Aux Mode has been helping YouTubers and all online content creators grow their channels.To learn more please visit our YouTube Channel.