Aux Mode

YouTube Development Recap

It’s no secret that YouTube is an extensively robust platform that offers near endless entertainment and opportunities to users and creators alike. It has revolutionized the way in which content is consumed, and has attracted an immensely large audience while doing so – in fact, YouTube is the second most visited website in the world

Whether surfing YouTube to watch a movie or listen to music, each user is guaranteed to find a form of entertainment to peak their interest. This is especially true for the online gaming community, which experienced a massive surge in 2020. YouTube reported it’s biggest year yet for gaming, with over 100 billion watch hours and more than 40 million active gaming channels. This monstrous number is a testament to the existing gaming community, and the ability of YouTube to instill a sense of connection and entertainment even through the most difficult of years. 

In addition to creating a virtual network of users that uphold similar interests, there is plenty of money to be made through the platform. YouTube’s monetization process allows for content uploaders to earn money from ads placed before, during,  or after their videos. PewDiePie, YouTube’s infamous and most indisputably famous gamer channel, rakes in a whopping $58.2 million a year on YouTube alone. 

This wildly popular community of gamers is paralleled by the music community on YouTube. In a recent report, YouTube claims to have paid out $4 billion to the global music industry, including revenues derived by ads and subscriptions for artists, songwriters, and rights holders. Lyor Cohen, the global head of YouTube, recently stated that YouTube Music added more paying members in the first quarter of 2021 than in any quarter since inception. With both paid and ad-supported tiers, YouTube Music caters to 2 billion monthly users – a number that is rising every year. 

It is worth mentioning how YouTube’s revenue patterns are inherently cyclical when analyzing from an annual level. The peaks and valleys of the popularity of videos can be interpreted as a direct reflection of various holidays, events, and seasons that either drive or deter from viewership. However, if there’s anything to take away from YouTube’s growth trajectory, it’s that good quality content is King. But what would the King do without protection? That’s where Aux Mode steps in. Take Survivorman Les Stroud as an example. 

Although Survivorman established his channel on YouTube prior to working with Aux Mode, his viewership was minimal. From July 2007 until May 2020, Survivorman’s channel had attracted a mere 7.2 million views and 62.1K subscribers. Once Survivorman joined the Aux Mode network, the channel views skyrocketed as the subscribership grew to 444.8K in just over a year – a 616.4% increase. This is largely due to Aux Mode’s strategy of focusing on full length content, videos greater than 10 minutes, allowing for the channel’s CPM to increase along with the growth in subscribers. This strategy ultimately led to a dramatic increase in revenue for the channel. 

The Survivorman success story is mirrored by many other YouTube channels that also scaled at an equally rapid pace once complying with the YouTube strategy code. Needless to say, it’s been an exciting time for change and development in the world of YouTube. What does this online content Kingdom have in store for us next?!