Aux Mode

I Fear Vine and YouTube Stars Will Steal My Job

From left to right: Me; Ariel King, content strategist for Arena is fighting to get some lens time through my afro; Fleur De Force, a beauty and fashion vlogger; and then there are Huw Samuel and Leslie Wai, who are Viners.

These social media superstars in the photo formed an interesting panel for a session in March, in central London during Day 1 of The Guardian Changing Media Summit 2015. They took the stage in front of an audience of industry advertising professionals for a breakout session entitled: “Millennial Magic – How to Collaborate with Vine and YouTube Stars.”

I Fear Vine and YouTube Stars Will Steal My Job

Now, The Guardian newspaper was founded in Manchester by John Edward Taylor in 1821–so it especially has a place in my heart as I am a Manchester lad, and I grew up seeing my father and his mother reading it. The Guardian achieved national and international recognition under the editorship of CP Scott, who held the post for 57 years from 1872. CP Scott is also remembered for outlining those principles that continue to define the paper today with the quotation in one of his comment pieces: “Comment is free, but facts are sacred… The voice of opponents no less than that of friends has a right to be heard.”

The Guardian has grown beyond being just another newspaper. This is the 10th year that they have run this conference; and it was the place where they announced an alliance which includes The Guardian, the Financial Times, CNN International, Reuters, and the Economist teaming up to pool their digital advertising space in order to fight back against the drain of advertising spend to tech giants such as Microsoft, Google, and Facebook. The initiative is called the Pangaea Alliance and it will give brands access to more than 110 million online readers using a computerised, or programmatic, advertising system.

SEE ALSO: Content Publishers, Facebook Is NOT the End-All, Be-All

It’s also worth bearing in mind that YouTube has only been around for ten years, and the iPhone was launched in 2007. Amongst all of this, The Guardian’s ideals appear to remain relevant today in an age driven by social media and mobile smartphone devices. Whilst our consumption habits and approach to communicating and learning has changed (I mean who doesn’t reach for YouTube to see how to do something), what hasn’t changed is our desire to comment and find facts–our appetite just got bigger and we’ve gotten faster at doing it.

But this isn’t just about users and marketers going on a quest for endless hits, likes, and shares. Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO, VaynerMedia and general partner, VaynerRSE, gave a rabble-rousing hard-hitting keynote at the conference that could have featured as a verse in a remix of Jay-Z’s ’99 Problems.’ He stressed the pitfalls of being beguiled by reach, without appreciating the importance of depth. Read the rest here

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