Aux Mode

How To Design Your Brand Legacy Plan

How To Design Your Brand Legacy Plan

If you’d like to have a bigger impact in the world and build a global – and fabulously profitable – empire while enjoying the lifestyle you’ve envisioned for yourself and your loved ones, you want to create your brand legacy plan now, so you can crystallize what needs to happen for you to reach as many people as possible with your work, and do it in a way that not only leverages your brilliance, but also makes it immortal!

Here are 3 “legacy generators” you want to get clear on…

Sharing the message you want to touch the planet with

If somebody gave you the opportunity to share any message with the entire universe, which message would you choose? What is at the very core of what you and your business are all about? What do you want your brand to be known and remembered for? Or, put differently, what is the life-changing movement that you’d be proud and excited to start, support, and be an ambassador of? Diving so deep might be scary at first, but the more you honor your true message, the more people will be naturally drawn to you, and the faster you’ll be able to hug the world with the transformation you provide.

Once you’ve embodied your unique message, map out all the avenues that will help you spread it as quickly and effectively as possible. Will you use books, audio programs, video trainings, multi-media virtual experiences, social media, publicity, free gifts, live events that you’ll record and offer as home-study courses – maybe you’ll go for all of these communication channels and then some? The secret is productizing your expertise, so that your audience can consume it any place, any time – this is how it can live out loud, and thrive… forever!

Setting up scalable marketing, sales, and deliver systems

For maximum impact, make sure your business is organized in a way that allows and facilitates rapid growth. Package your brilliance into offerings designed to serve unlimited number of clients, put in place automated (or at least semi-automated) promotional and selling systems, and have enough team on board to guarantee excellent customer service at any given moment. Play bigger. Be bolder. Live and breathe your legacy TODAY. Just the mere fact that you’re blasting through any and all obstacles and reaching for the stars will inspire so many, so much. And that’s invaluable, because the way I see it, each and every one of us has the privilege and the duty to be the best role-model we can be for the present and all future generations.

Contributing to causes you care about

A big part of your brand legacy plan magic is making a decision about which causes and charities you feel so aligned with that you want to support them financially or otherwise. Giving back and incorporating that into your business model, so that you’re donating a percentage of your revenues to a specific cause, is a gift that keeps on giving – it helps those receiving the donation, but it also helps your brand to connect with people, businesses, and projects that share your same values and beliefs, amplifying your message even more, and creating a ripple effect of joy, abundance, and effortless manifestation. Read more here.

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